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Hear From Those We've Guided Towards Healing

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I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your helping us. You have a gift and I will never forget this day. A new beginning! Thank you.

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Mom of a Recovering Addict
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Almost a year ago, our 38-year-old son, had a “melt-down”. He was arrested, hospitalized, broke and evicted from his apartment. I received the call in Florida from a police officer in Colorado. I got on a plane immediately and went to the hospital. It wasn’t pretty. A history of alcohol and drug abuse combined with misdiagnosed mental illness had rendered our son almost unrecognizable. He needed help and I didn’t know what to do, in fact I was frantically trying to search online for a treatment center, wondering how we would convince him to seek the help he so desperately needed to save his life.

Enter Tara Casoli and Clarity and Associates, our life-changer…and probably our life saver. Tara took charge in a clear and organized, yet compassionate, way. She talked to our son and found the right fit for his “Dual Diagnosis” evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. She convinced him that he needed to go and because of the trust she quickly established over the phone, “ordered” him to get in car that memorable morning when he changed his mind and said he wasn’t going. It never would have happened without Tara’s involvement.

Tara worked with our family, recommending programs and areas where we each needed help. She was there every step of the way for our son, me, his mother and his sister. Always available, caring, compassionate yet able to deliver the “tough talk” in an acceptable way.

Today, 10 months after that call from the police, our son is living on his own, has a full-time job, is fully engaged in his recovery and is approaching his 11th month of sobriety! Our family is actively participating in his recovery and individually, working on and following Tara’s recommendations for our own recovery.

We thank God for bringing Clarity and Associates into our lives and will be forever grateful for all they have done for us.

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Dave & Penny
Parents of Recovering Alcoholic / Addict with Bipolar Disorder
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I was fresh from treatment, feeling lonely, lost and terrified. Through the ups and downs of the following 10 months, I always was able to learn something from Tara. Whether she was sharing her recovery journey or helping me practice accountability, she pushed me to find value in myself and sobriety. I will forever be grateful for her patience, honesty and compassion.

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Former Client
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Clarity and Associates are incredible consultants. They have worked closely with me and my son the past 15 months during my son’s transition from a 6-month long treatment center setting to a sober living house. I knew that this transition would be a critical time in my son’s life to hopefully allow for him to put to practice the many skills he learned in treatment and eventually live on his own. This transition is the time where many addicts stumble and continue to make poor choices going down the wrong road. Fast forward 15 months, I am happy to report that Clarity has done a great job coaching my son by forming a trusting relationship, providing strong daily encouragement on what does and does not work, holding him accountable, being a friend and mentor with a listening ear, not putting up with any BS with the bottom line teaching my son how to live a successful life. There has been no quick fix but I have seen monumental changes in the past year that have led to many positive behaviors in my son’s life where he now wants to be a good person in the community, holds a job, is more responsible, gives back, is happy, loving, can express his feelings and is sober. My son would not have been able to grow as he has without Clarity’s regular involvement. Throughout this process, Clarity and I talked each and every week setting goals to make sure we were on the same page pushing in the same direction with the same message to my son. My son will soon be leaving sober living to live by himself. I express deep gratitude to Clarity and Associates for their professionalism and caring approach in helping my son. It has been a pleasure. Thank you.

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Father of Recovering Addict with Schizoaffective Disorder
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Having Clarity and Associates be there for my son, my daughter, my husband and myself was a priceless gift. We were connected with Clarity at a critical time in my son’s life. He was ten hours away at college and engaging in very risky behaviors including drugs and alcohol. I felt very alone in dealing with this problem, having Clarity come along side of my son and me meant the world to me. Knowing that Clarity was staying in constant contact with my son and always being available to talk and coach him or me was a huge blessing. I was not able to communicate with my son, but Clarity was able to communicate with my son and develop a trusting relationship. I believe the time my son got to spend with Clarity made a critical difference in his life. I also appreciated them being available to talk with me any time. They were there for me, my son, my daughter and my husband. Having a third party who was there for all the members of our family at any time was wonderful. I was encouraged me to grow in my Al-anon program, which helped me to let go of fear and the need to control. I will always be grateful for the love, kindness and support we were given. My son’s life and all of our lives were changed through our relationship with Clarity and Associates.

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Mother of Recovering Son and Husband
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We finally have hope!

My young adult daughter marched out one day vowing to never see us again. A therapist referred us to Tara and Clarity and Associates and said she may be able to help. An interventionist? We had a willful daughter who refused to talk to anyone in our family. How could an interventionalist possibly help? Tara wound up being a Godsend--first laying out a strategy for the day our daughter would inevitably make contact. When my daughter did contact us, we had a plan in place and Tara began to draw my daughter in. Not only was she able to become my daughter's confidant, but she also gave us incredible support. Tara became our eyes and ears when my daughter was avoiding her family. Tara took away the stress of trying to reason with an unreasonable daughter. She showed us how to stop chaos from controlling our family.

Through Tara's interventions we were able to see that my beautiful daughter was hiding a serious addiction to alcohol, weed, pills and synthetic drugs. We were floored! Tara helped us find the right treatment center for my daughter's age group and needs. She conquered my daughter's denial and convinced my daughter to go to treatment. Hallelujah!! It was a long hard road getting here and this is our first step as a family toward recovery. If it weren't for Tara and Clarity, we wouldn't have this chance to be a family again. Thank you Tara!!

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Mother of a Recovering Addict
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My daughter was losing in her battle with her demons. I was put in contact with Clarity to help with an intervention for my daughter. I had been down this road before, trying desperately to get her help. This time was different. She was in deep trouble. Being placed in the hands of Clarity to orchestrate an intervention was a saving grace. I didn’t know what else to do, and they took control in guiding the family and me on what to do and expect. Before we all met, phone calls and emails took us through the process, finalized with a daylong session. This was the first step in letting go of control to rely on the their help and professional guidance. With the commanding yet compassionate caring leadership and presence, they were able to guide us through the unthinkable.

It’s been over a year since that day. Clarity helped me to see that setting my own boundaries would not only help my daughter, but myself as well. They helped me to see that this was not just a time for my daughter to change, but in order for us to help her, the family needed to change as well. My gratitude cannot be adequately expressed in a short story, but suffice it to say, not only did Clarity’s involvement and direction save my daughter, but expanded my personal growth and showed me that as a mother, it is OK to ask for help, to set boundaries and to seek out support groups who share similar stories. I now attend regular Al-anon meetings and meet with a sponsor to let me know that my story is not unique. My own “work” is long from being complete and my daughter continues to work on her own personal growth. I couldn’t be more grateful, as are other family members who participated in my daughter’s intervention and interaction with Clarity.

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Mother of a Recovering Addict
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Tara Milam Casoli and Clarity have been nothing short of life savers for our family over the last year.

We first “met” Tara and the team on a hectic Saturday, when we had just discovered that one of our family members had been using drugs for over a year, almost two. We had been under the impression that he was clean after a stay-at-home 1-week self-prescribed detox program and then had been subject to almost every medical ailment under the sun --- forcing him to live at his parent’s home, unable to work and preventing him from re-joining the real world for over 6 months.

Tara’s coaching helped us form the appropriate boundaries, the right communication style and the right way to love our loved one back to health.

Tara is are responsive, accountable, excellent communicators, professional and enjoyable people to work with. We give them our highest recommendation and know they will continue to save loved ones and families of loved ones alike.

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Taylor & Laura
Brother and Sister in Law of a Recovering Addict

Find Clarity in the Chaos.

Call us at 877-310-9266 or email us at for more information.

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